Updated: 2008/10/30

Translating parts other than the YouTube videos under "Puredata" is a work in progress.
Kimi to iru asu
1999, Sep.
Lucia Lynn(Vocal), 私(Gt,Chorus)
Ending theme for an animation.. which my friend animator never completed.
kimiasu.mp3 (xxxx KB)
Air (rough)
2001, Jan.
A piece I have left hanging for years. Hopefully I will finish it some day.
air.mp3 (xxxx KB)
M to M
2001, Sep.
A personal love song.
I recall writing and recording this, coensidently the day before 9.11
mtom.mp3 (xxxx KB)
Me, virus
2004, Mar.
Me(Vo,), Students ofRadio-Actress(Chorus)
A song about computer viruses. This recording was part of a performance art piece I created. The noise at the top of the song was also inserted for this stage.
virus.mp3 (xxxx KB)
2004, May.
My attempt in writing a J-pop style tune.
sakura.mp3 (xxxx KB)
2004, Aug.
Nobuhiko Takeda(Vln.), Kei Yoshida(Gt.), Me(Vo.,Flute)
Covering a song by Japanese pop group, Anzen-Chitai
Forgive my vocal skills, this is more a demo of playing on a bamboo flute purchased at a souvenir shop in Todaiji temple.
aozora.mp3 (xxxx KB)
The theme of Sakura Daimon
2004, Sep.
Y.H(Vo.), Daisuke Coach(Lyrics)
An openning theme for a theatre play.
The theme of Sakura Daimon (Pilot)
2004, Sep.
Miho Kawazuma & Momiji(Vo.)
This was a pilot recording of the song above.
Lyrics were re-written by the script write & director of the play.
sakuradaimon.mp3 (xxxx KB)
Steamed rice
2001 Mar.
An homage to Steve Reich.
steamed-rice.mp3 (xxxx KB)
The little brave one, ending theme
2003, Dec.
Ending theme for a drama.
casual.mp3 (xxxx KB)
2004, Jun.
A demonstration made for a presentation.
ethno.mp3 (xxxx KB)
BGM(for video)
The Last Dance With You
2001, Apr.
Noppako (Animation)
One of my last colaborations at California Institute of the Arts.
lastdance.wmv (xxxx KB)
2001, Jul.
Movie: Daisuke Coach
All music and images made from scratch (of course concepts borrowed from the original game)
mariorima.wmv (xxxx KB)
Ikimono daizukan - The life of Suzuki
2002, Jan.
Movie: Takeshi Imura
A parody of documentries on science and nature channels.
Tadashi natsu no sugoshi kata
2002, Aug.
Movie: Kenji Ochi
A short drama about too young adults.
tadashinatsu.wmv (xxxx KB)
Short De Pon! Sound sticker
2003, Jan.
Movie: Takeshi Imura
Openning & inserted clip for a short movie event in Osaka, Japan.
shortdepon.wmv (xxxx KB)
Brick beats
2008, Jan.
The KaossPad is used only as a MIDI controller. All sounds and graphics are rendered realtime using Pd + GEM.
osc~ Cluster
2008, Jan.
I wrote a PHP script to export a farm of 100 oscilators. (Since I thought it was faster than patching by hand)
Kauso + DS
2008, Jan.
An attempt to get a feel of the Korg Kaossilator without owning one.
Select a scale and write on the touch pad.